Simple tips to keep a lid on soaring energy bills.


March 23, 2023

While energy prices are on the rise again, there are some simple things around the home you can start doing today to help keep your energy bills down.

If you’re struggling financially and worried about how you’ll pay your gas or electricity bills, you may also be eligible for support from Uniting Vic.Tas.

Uniting Vic.Tas provides specialised advice and support to Victorians who need assistance with their energy bills.

Our team will also help you find the best value deals and any money-saving grants and rebates you may be eligible for so you can crunch your energy costs and avoid bill shock.

Matt Cairns, Senior Manager of Uniting’s Energy Support Program said falling behind on energy bills continues to be one of the most common sources of financial stress raised with financial counsellors.

Under the Victorian Government’s Payment Difficulty Framework, energy companies must assist any household that engages with them, preventing them from being disconnected.

“The energy market can be really confusing and when people are faced with high bills and fall into debt, they often don’t know where to turn for support,” Mr Cairns said.

“With the rising cost of living, we know there are many people who are really struggling to keep up with their bills.

“If you’re struggling with your energy bills, get in touch with us now – don’t wait until it’s too late.

“Whether it’s sorting out a payment plan with your energy provider, how you can use your appliances more efficiently or finding the best energy deal for you, we can help give you some peace of mind.”

Assistance is available over-the-phone, and we have interpreter support available in your language – start by calling 1800 830 029 or visit the Uniting Vic.Tas website.

Energy saving tips around the home:

Living areas:

  • Keeping heating and cooling temperatures at the right settings – heating at 20 degrees, cooling at 24 degrees
  • Close off areas where you are heating or cooling by shutting doors and closing curtains or blinds
  • Seal draughts around doors using door snakes or a rolled-up towel and installing weather stripping
  • Use an electric throw rug in winter or a portable fan in summer


  • Keep showers to around four minutes and make sure you have a water saving showerhead


  • Use cold water in your washing machine
  • Hang clothes out on a washing line or a clothes horse instead of using a clothes dryer


  • Checking your bills and asking your provider for their best deal or go to the Victorian Energy Compare website and look for a better deal.
  • Make sure you register for the Victorian Government’s $250 Power Saving Bonus from March 24.

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