Real impact in the Community.

In 2017, Barry Schofield came up with the perfect recipe to shake up St Leonard’s Brighton Beach Uniting Church Pancake Day fundraising …
Airport West Uniting Church joined the Coffee Cup Challenge for the first time in 2019.
When a friend suggested becoming a foster carer, Jill jumped at the idea. “I was single, I had a spare bedroom and …
Geordie and Matt have long been a loving aunty and uncle to their nieces and nephews.
Respite carers give full-time foster carers or birth families at risk of breakdown a vital break from their responsibilities.
Being a foster carer has a deep personal connection for Ben. “One of the reasons I decided to go down this path …
Stephanie and David decided to become foster carers while expecting their second child.
After the breakdown of his marriage, Cliff (pictured right) became one of the growing number of people to find himself homeless.