Natalie’s story


April 20, 2022

natalie and foster child

Natalie has been supporting vulnerable children and families as part of the Family Preservation and Reunification Response Program (FPR&R) program for two years.

Natalie finds her role at Uniting working alongside a highly motivated, knowledgeable and professional team rewarding and fulfilling.

The Family Preservation and Reunification Response Program aims to promote strong and self-sufficient families by supporting parents and caregivers to create a safe and nurturing home environment. As Practitioners we provide responsive, intensive and sustainable support to children and families where children are at imminent risk of entry to care or where safe reunification back into the family home is appropriate.

“There is a strong sense of shared commitment to achieving our service goals in the Family Preservation and Reunification Response Program and across Uniting as a whole” she says.

“The management are great to work with, collaborate and reflective about the best way to respond to the needs of employees and consumers as they arrive.”

“I love working as a Practitioner in the Response program, my team are amazing and feel like Uniting makes a difference in so many people’s lives, including my own”.

“Because the community services sector is very dynamic, there is always growth and opportunity for development.”

“Uniting has always recruited talented people and they invest in our staff, provide training opportunities for development,” she says.

“And we offer a family friendly environment, flexible working conditions, to help suit the needs of families.”

Learn more about working at Uniting.

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