b'Director of Missions ReportThis year our foundations have been tested like never before. Have we been building upon foundations of sandIn regions, our collaboration with presbyteries that might be washed away with the first rain, orenables us to implement locally-focused services rock that stand the test of time?together, in response to local needs. We are When bushfires, floods and a pandemic came,working in partnership with the presbyteries of Unitings foundations, purpose and valuesGippsland and the North East as we support remained solid and inspired our responses.communities rebuilding after the bushfires. As part of the Uniting Church, our foundationLocal Engagement Groups (LEGs) across Victoria statement Christ invites us to serve humanityand Tasmania continue to strengthen and grow by creating an inclusive, connected and justrelationships in local communities. Our Mission and world evokes a vision for a world of justice andEthos team support a strong collaboration with reconciliation for all.the community, congregations and presbyteries. For example, the Barwon LEG ran a Pancake Day The stories in this report give voice to ourstall in the Geelong CBD with great community commitment to serve humanity.engagement and public exposure for our work.This year Uniting adopted 8 missional principles:Uniting is built upon the early efforts of faithful Inspiring people so that everyone is valued,people to alleviate poverty 2 centuries ago. The particularly those most excluded church and charitable entities that flowed from 1.The dignity of the human person the women and mens efforts to find ways to make a difference have brought us to where we 2.The needs of the whole person are today. 3.Social and economic inclusion Australian society has changed and our Enliven communities so that all people contributeunderstanding of how to strengthen peoples lives and have life giving relationships and enliven communities continues to develop, but 4.Community wellbeing the foundations of our work remain - a vision of a better world for all. 5.UnityConfront injustice to ensure all people are included as they are and have life to the full6.The promotion of human rights7.Reconciliation Rev John Clarke 8.Solidarity Director of MissionThese principles are evident in our work each day. By partnering with congregations, we multiply our efforts and reach more people together. Hundreds of Uniting Church congregations provide generous support, which includes pastoral care, volunteers, donations and locations to deliver our services. 6 Uniting Vic.Tas Annual Report 2019-2020'