b'Uniting culture and community The team regularly organise events for traditional Chinese cultural festivals and Australian celebrations.JosephThe Chinese Families Playgroup volunteersThe team regularly organise events for help Asian migrant families settle in theirtraditional Chinese cultural festivals and local community. They come together 3Australian celebrations, says Chinese Family times a week, all year round, and their workServices Coordinator, Joseph Jin. involves session planning, art and craft, singingThey have engaged professionals to link and storytelling. They also set up indoorChinese families with mainstream services to and outdoor activities, help parents andhelp them find their feet in their community.grandparents to supervise their children, and pack up at the end of each session. CE This story reflects our commitment The team are all Chinese-speaking andto inclusive, just, thriving and connected include a mix of university students, parentscommunities enabled. and professionals. While all are busy, theyChinese Families Playgroup volunteer, Jessie enjoys sharing enthusiastically make time for the program tostories with the children. support their community. The program is so popular, they now have a waitlist.Uniting Vic.Tas Annual Report 2019-2020 31'