b'Uniting to prevent discriminationThe draft Religious Discrimination Billwould allow people and organisations to use currently in front of the Federal Parliamentfaith as a means to cause harm.promotes the right to state unfiltered religiousAs organisations united by our theological beliefs freely and without consequence. Whilefoundations and commitment to serving the freedom to express and practice religiousvulnerable individuals and communities, we are faith is very important, many feel that thecommitted to balancing the rights of religious Bill is unbalanced and threatens vulnerableorganisations with the rights of our diverse groups, like the LGBTIQ+ community andcommunity.people living with disability.*Anglicare Victoria, Good Shepherd Australia New Zealand, Jewish We partnered with other faith-based communityCare Victoria, Jesuit Social Services, Mercy Connect, McAuley services organisations*, to take a stand againstCommunity Services for Women and Sacred Heart Mission.the draft Religious Discrimination Bill. Together,Our staff, volunteers and supporters voiced their concern about the we expressed concerns that the legislationReligious Discrimination Bill at the 2020 Midsumma Pride March.'