b'Chat-a-Ring program keeps people connectedIts nice to have a familiar voice to talk to each week.TerryThe Chat-a-Ring program connects sociallyTerrywho has been accessing Chat-a-Ring for isolated people with a Uniting volunteer for5 yearsis a strong advocate for the program. a friendly phone call each week. In theseHe lives alone and looks forward to the weekly unprecedented times, Chat-a-Ring has neverconversations with volunteer, Judith, who calls been more vital. With gatherings restrictedhim every Tuesday. in response to COVID-19, maintaining socialIts a wonderful program. Its nice to have a connection has been a significant challenge forfamiliar voice to talk to each week. You get to many, and particularly for older people.know about their life, and they get to know These calls are very welcome and appreciatedabout yours, says Terry. by our consumers, who are often lookingIt allows people who dont have a lot of forward to a good chat each week, says Chat- visitors or cant get out often to maintain their a-Ring Team Leader, Nikki Manolaros.communication skills.The program currently has over 100During COVID-19, our team of Aged and participants and 12 volunteers who spendCarer social support services created weekly anywhere between 10 minutes to an hourpersonalised activity packs, tailored to each chatting on the phone.persons interests. Handing out the packs The calls give people the chance to discussprovided an opportunity to check in and make their interests, hobbies and goals in life.sure all was well and that the participant was The conversations can also reveal furtherstaying connected during this challenging time.opportunities for social connection, whereOM This story reflects our commitment to volunteers can link older people to otherachieving life outcomes maximised.community activities and events to foster new friendships. Terry looks forward to his weekly phone call from a Chat-a-Ring volunteer. 18 Uniting Vic.Tas Annual report 2019-2020'