b'Director of Missions ReportThe COVID-19 pandemic was a common catalyst for new stories across our community. Each of us has story to tell, experiences of both moreand less than we would have liked. More, in the sense of accomplishment as weresources to hear and respond to the experiences learned to Zoom with family, friends and forof our communities. And in turn, we can grow as work. More, as we learned about the hospitalitywe listen to new perspectives.and generosity of our neighbours. DiscoveringOur foundation statement is: Christ invites us to that with a will, we can find new ways to doserve humanity by creating an inclusive, connected better: such as helping more people transformand just world.from homelessness to a home - even though a pandemic had to prompt us. Hopefully, youSome may approach life from this basis. For experienced even more ways of coping andothers, their commitment to human rights draws supporting each other. them in. Regardless, being invited into peoples But we have all experienced less too. Much less iflives is our privilege. we couldnt access technology - or were jugglingTogether, we can listen, learn and enliven our work and home-schooling in cramped spaces. communities - confronting injustice and making We found less choice as we locked down, stayingpositive change. home, separated from loved ones, denied access to places we yearn to visit. Holidays, weddings and celebrations were cancelled, then rescheduled, then rescheduled again. Stories of more and less are told throughout thisRev John Clarke report. More demand from consumers, moreDirector of Missiononline activities throughout communities, more flexibility in how we offer our services. Reined in by restrictions, it was harder to meet with consumersFind out more about John or move between sites. For some, the isolation was extreme. Overwhelmed in the experience, resilience and hope began to fade. This year, we tried to create safe spaces where peoples stories can be told. Through our Community Partnerships, we listen to the experience of our consumers and the effectiveness of our services - adapting to meet their needs. We are always evaluating our listening, welcoming, and celebrating skills for LGBTIQ+ communities, and our Yarn Up group provides a voice across Uniting for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander staff. In our Church partnerships, with over 80 congregations, we share 6 Uniting Vic.Tas Annual Report 2020-2021'