b'Working for a better worldWe believe positive change is possible if we work together. Every child mattersBy speaking out and standing up for whats right, we can make a genuine difference in All children deserve the opportunity to thrive. the world and protect our most vulnerable. Thats why we welcomed the Inquiry into Uniting is committed to creating change. WeEarly Childhood Engagement of Culturally and work alongside our consumers, confrontingLinguistically Diverse (CALD) Communities Report. injustice, enlivening communities, andPresented to Parliament on 17 Septemberinspiring people to do and be better. 2020, the report highlights the importance of We make sure our consumers are an integralearly learning opportunities for childrens long-part of our advocacy. term developmentparticularly those fromCALD families.Because we believe we can change the worldUniting was one of the early learning serviceand we willtogether. providers who made a submission to the inquiry. In our submission, we shared the voices of our Improving out-of-home care consumers, including parents and carers from a range of backgrounds. We also sought feedback Uniting is committed to tackling Victorias and advice from our educators working inout-of-home care crisis and supportingdiverse communities.vulnerable children. The final report references our submission, with We joined the Centre for Excellence in Childmany direct quotes from the staff who gave and Family Welfare and other residential careevidence at the public hearing, and quotes from providers in an advocacy campaign ahead of athe parents and carers who participated in focus meeting with Minister of Child Protection, Lukegroups for our submission. Donnellan on 30 March 2021. We highlighted both the challenges and We are proud to say that over 100 Uniting staff,opportunities of engaging CALD communities.volunteers and board members wrote to theWe demonstrated the need for stronger minister, requesting fairness so that all homes government investment in welcoming,can be funded at therapeutic level care.inclusive, respectful, and culturally safeservices for CALD children, their families,We welcome that our advocacy has led to theand communities.Victorian Government undertaking an analysis and price review of residential care to help inform future reform of, and investment in, care services. They have also provided a one-off additional $15 million financial assistance to community services organisations who deliver residential care to children and young people in recognition of the cost pressures throughout the COVID-19 pandemic.34 Uniting Vic.Tas Annual Report 2020-2021'