b'Bold ideas forbeen through so many services, I know how to support others well, how to access services, and better support what works.In November 2020, we created a Lived ExperienceThrough the program, Ash receives regular Advisory Group (LEAG) to have input on our Earlytraining to develop new skills. Intervention Psycho-Social Response ProgramShe has even learned how to co-chair and facilitate (EISPR). This program supports people withmeetings, using this knowledge to ace the tests in mental health challenges aged 16-65, so they her community services course.can live independently.This unique opportunity allowed participants andIve gained invaluable skills and gotten lots out carers to share their ideas through co-designedof the program, says Ash.activities and meetings. Despite COVID-19Making communication challenges, 17 people participatedsharing their ideas for a better service. clear and simpleAfter dynamic conversations, we developed boldIn February 2021, we launched our new website. new ideas, such as activating a community hubListening closely to our consumers, we reviewed in Ballarat. Sharing in this way brought qualityand re-developed our site to support their needs. feedback and empowered us to act with impact,Eleven group sessions were held to gather creating a service with and for the people who consumer input before the website was launched.use it.Our goal is now to grow. With more LEAGSome of the feedback we received was that the members, we can make real progress towardswebsite had to be more accessible and user-building an effective community recovery hub.friendly. With that in mind, we re-designed oursite with an intuitive layout. Using lived experienceNow consumers can find the information they need quickly. Laying out programs and services to empower others logically, readers can understand their optionsA young mum, Ash has participated in Unitingand find updates on whats happening acrossservices for over 8 years. Accessing youth andthe organisation. family, housing, emergency services and disability support, shes done a lot of her journey with Uniting by her side.Visit our websiteBefore I partnered with Uniting, I was having some trouble at home, says Ash. I felt like I couldnt be there anymore. Stuff at home was affecting my mental health and, eventually, I became homeless.Ash began to build a better life for herself and her baby, but the road ahead wasnt easy.It took me 8 years to get the result that I wanted, says Ash.Its not just like you are homeless, then you get housing, and lifes fine - everything else has to come together.Feeling stronger, Ash wanted to give back. Over the last 10 months, she has joined the Consumer Partnerships programsharing her experience to empower others. I feel strange calling it expertise, but I am an expert on my own life, Ash says. My lived experience has given me strength and resilience, and I have great practical knowledge too. Having Uniting Vic.Tas Annual Report 2020-2021 39'