b'Board CompositionMembers of the Uniting Board are appointed by the Synod Standing Committee in accordance with the requirements of the Victorian and Tasmanian Synod, Uniting Constitution and By-Laws. The Board is currently made up of eleven members including the Chair.The following Directors were appointed during the reporting year in accordance with the Constitution:Alistair Macrae, Anne Garrow, Jo-Anne Moorfoot, Julia Mason and W Kirby Clark were appointed to the Board in November 2020 for a term concluding no later than the 2023 Annual General Meeting.Peter Prasser and John Preston retired from the Board on 11 November 2020. The above appointments were approved by the Uniting Church of Australia Synod of Victoria and Tasmania Standing Committee in accordance with Section 7 of the Uniting Constitution.There were no other changes to Directors during the reporting year.Board Procedures and PoliciesThe Boards Governance Charter was developed in accordance with the ACNC Governance Standards. The Charter outlines the roles, responsibilities and terms of reference of the Board and each of its Committees. It also includes Unitings Code of Conduct -, which all Board members are required to sign. The Charter requires that the performance of the Board and CEO be reviewed on an annual basis.Uniting maintains a register of Directors interests and any potential conflicts of interest are recorded annually and reviewed monthly as part of normal Board meeting procedures.The Board receives regular reports and presentations from senior executives on strategic, financial and operational performance, enterprise risk management, key policy decisions, social justice, research activities and Church policy and relations. Board Sub-CommitteesThe Board has established committees to assist the Board in fulfilling its responsibilities. Each committee has its own terms of reference or Charter which set out the authority delegated to it bythe Board and detail the manner in which the committee is to operate. The Board committees reviewand monitor relevant performance data against established key performance indicators. From 1 July 2020 to December 2020 the Board Committees were:Audit and Risk CommitteeFinance, Investment and Property Committee Governance and Key Relationships CommitteeQuality and Clinical Governance CommitteeConsumer Directed Services Reform.During 2020/21 the Board undertook a review of the Board Committee structure.As a result of this review from January 2021 the Board Committees were:Audit and Risk CommitteeGovernance and Key Relationships CommitteeInnovation and Investment CommitteeQuality and Safety Committee.Uniting Vic.Tas Annual Report 2020-2021 51'