b'Support duringCOVID restrictions An international student, Rony *was enjoying the opportunity of a lifetimeliving and working in Melbourne. But his entire world changed as COVID-19 spread into our communities. As restrictions were introduced, Rony lost hisOur team provided him with a food parcelhospitality job. each week. He could focus on looking forLife became a struggle. Like thousands ofwork without the worry of finding food. international students and temporary visaI am very grateful for the support I received at holders across Australia, he was ineligible forUniting while I was able to find more work.government support. After about a month and a half, he was able to He was left with no job, no money andfind work to support himself and his partner.nowhere to turn. Rony is just one of the thousands who came Id never had to ask for help before, saysto us with stories like this during Victorias Rony. But because I wasnt eligible for incomeCOVID-19 restrictions. support, it made life very difficult. *This is a true story about a real person. Some details such as Connecting with our emergency relief servicenames have been changed to respect the wishes of the person featured. The photo accompanying this story is for illustrative at Prahran, Rony finally found support.purposes only. It is not a photo of the person featured in this story.Uniting Vic.Tas Annual Report 2020-2021 25'