b'Chairs Report Our Uniting values are to be Imaginative. Respectful. Compassionate. Bold. Never have these values been so needed as over the past year. The most vulnerable have been struck the hardest by the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic.Around the world people have had to change howI want to say a special thank you to CEO Bronwyn they work, live and connect with each other.Pike and her team for their leadership and passion Our teams across Victoria and Tasmania, andto support those most vulnerable during these in the other states where we work, have alsodifficult times. changed and adapted to support people in need,My thanks to the Uniting Church Synod of using technology when face-to-face connectionVictoria and Tasmania for their unwavering has not been possible.support for our work.We thank our Wimmera team who collaboratedI also want to acknowledge and thank my fellow with Horsham Rural City Council to support Board Directors, including retiring Directors Peter locals experiencing loneliness and disconnection.Prasser and John Preston, for their vision, focus They created the Community Activation andand commitment to the work of Uniting.Social Isolation initiative. This phone-basedAbove all, I want to thank our employeesinitiative connects people with trained volunteersand volunteers.who provide emotional support in times of distress, and pathways to local services andIn the face of crisis, they have respondedcommunity programs. with compassion and creativity, providing We thank our volunteers and supporters whoinvaluable support and positive outcomescontinue to contribute to Uniting and their localat every opportunity.communities in many ways. One example is the group of Uniting volunteers who, together with the Wodonga Uniting Church Congregation, have raised money for people experiencingJude Munro AO homelessness to use the local laundromat.Board ChairThe past year has seen us establish strong partnerships on many levels. We have worked closely with other residential out-of-home careFind out more about Jude providers including Berry Street, Anglicare and McKillop to call for greater funding for therapeutic services to make sure our most vulnerable young people are as safe as possible.We have also partnered with Uniting Housing and Uniting AgeWell to identify how we can better work together to ensure everyone has a safe and secure home and appropriate wrap-around services for vulnerable people.Another bright moment was winning the Silver Tier Award in the 2021 Health and Wellbeing Equality Index. This recognised our commitment to being an inclusive organisation for people in the LGBTIQ+ community. We are committed to providing a supportive and welcoming work environment for all. 4 Uniting Vic.Tas Annual Report 2020-2021'