b'The joys and challenges of being a carer.Catherine didnt know that when she became a mother she was also signing up to become a carer.In 2020, her son, Luke, now four years of age,Luke has never actually been able to tell me he was diagnosed with autism. Her second child,loves me because he actually cant say those words Ben who is two, was also later diagnosedand that is heartbreaking. There is an emotional with developmental delay and is currentlypain for that, she shares.undergoing the autism spectrum disorderBecoming a carer is not something most people diagnostic process. anticipate happening, says Catherine.Having a child with additional needs is Its a role that we didnt ask for, that we didnt really above and beyond normal parenting,choose, and its been thrown on us and we are explained Catherine. coping with it as best we can, she explains. Its an enormous change in someones life Disability, mental illness, addictionwhatever it is to go into the world of disability and carers. for the person we are caring for, they didnt choose When I look at my to-do-list, my email inbox, that, they didnt want that, and were caring for my calendar, 90 to 99% is probably to do with them and we didnt really anticipate that either.the boys additional needs. I think what we can contribute is helping the Catherine explains that on top of all the people we care for live to their full potential.logistical and practical demands of being Unfortunately, despite the enormous role carers a carer, there is also an emotional pain play in the community, they are often forgotten.that isnt always spoken about.8 Supporter Newsletter Autumn 2023'